Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 6th, 19 year wedding anniversary.

Yesterday I subbed for EH, middle school, emotionally handicapped, two girls had a fight in class, very ugly. I have been fond of one of them having subbed her before, paisana fellow Lebanese (cuban), las dos, "te puedes imaginar", there was more to the story, the chic girl "look" nowadays was at the root of the fight. Sad, Anyway....

Fitness notes:

I did core rhythms DVD! It was so fun. I modified it to adjust to my inborn klutziness. My new idea is to choose a cardio video every other day and whether my knee starts to hurt, or whatever, I WILL do the tape to the end of it. I can modify the move, it isn't rocket science. I used to work out at my trainer's house when I had pain, but I was motivated because I had buddies watching and I didn't want to let them down or be the lone lazy lump.

I would like to find some more advanced core rhythm tapes. It looks like the only ones I don't have are the last three on the website. I will take time to find them cheap somewhere, no hurry.

I went to Marshalls to look for the Firm transfirmer and fanny lift pack, but they didn't have it, I will go to other Marshalls today. I saw a wobble board kit, very economical, with a DVD, but I didn't know enough about it. Come to find out, it is good for the ankles (and knee?) so I will try to buy it today. I can really use something like that as my joints get painful and I know exercise is the key.

I have a couple of unopened DVDs that I got at Marshalls in Dec. and it looks like they are really good ones. The Firm weight lifting and complete cardio was only 3.99 and it is about $17 online with good reviews. The other one I got is stott pilates abs, etc.

Every other other day, I will do my anniversary present, has not arrived yet, the CHAlean weight lifting set. I also need Frankin's heavy weights when he can get them out of storage.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cyber notes for January 3, 2009

Book tv videos to watch more in depth:

Watched part of this, it was great:



Champlain's Dream: The European Founding of North America
[Watch Now!]
Watch now!
Author: David Hackett Fischer

About the Program

Pulitzer Prize winning historian David Hackett Fischer recounts the life of French explorer Samuel de Champlain (1567-1635) who founded Quebec and was responsible for maintaining the French settlements in North America. Champlain explored a vast amount of North America including what are now six Canadian provinces and five American states. He was a noted cartographer and navigator who sailed across the Atlantic twenty-seven times without the loss of a ship. This event was hosted by the New York Historical Society in New York City.

About the Author

David Hackett Fischer is the author of several books, including "Washington's Crossing" that was the recipient of the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for History. Mr. Fischer is currently a history professor at Brandeis University.

I listened to part of this, Led by Faith, Rwandan survivor, Immaculee Ilibagiza

This looks interesting:

Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery
Author: Anne Farrow, Joel Lang, and Jenifer Frank

Journalists Anne Farrow, Joel Lang, and Jenifer Frank discuss their book, "Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery." The book explores the lesser-known relationship that the North had with slavery during the 1800s, incuding the dependency on slavery to establish many well-known companies and educational institutions. The author documents how slavery helped in the creation of places like Tiffany & Co., Brown University, and Lehman Brothers financial institution.

video link to complicity

Chinua Achebe, want to watch this

Alphabet Juice, is this about entymology? plan to watch!

French political forum

Workout playlists, hip hop...

She has a beautiful voice:

Kirk Franklin on youtube:

I found my misplaced K. Franklin Declaration CD today!


old research blog, can't find the password

By chance I was watching bits and pieces of Bill Gertz interview on C-Span. He recommended a journalist wesley ? Now I can't remember the last name and I can't find a replay.

Booktv will replay the In Depth on January 10 at 9 a.m. Try to remember to watch to get the name of the journalist columns he recommended reading re: international analyses.

Fitness notes and links for today:













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Your Price: $44.91
